Saturday, April 30, 2016

Postcards Received 4/30/16

298.  Switzerland Map
+17 degrees C
Hello Chris,
A map for you!  I'm living ner Basle in the northwest of Switzerland in a small village.  I love to visit at Basle, the old city, the river Rhine, the art museums, and the zoo.  My other hobbies are reading, learning Spanish, walking, swimming, and painting.  I love to trave to Spain.  I wish you a nice day and all the best.
Happy Postcrossing, Claudia

299. Think Skink
Ontario, Canada
Common Five-lined skinks have the ability to "drop" their tails if grasped in order to escape.  The moving tail gragment will distract the predator while the skink escapes.  The missing tail with grow back over time, but will not be the same colour or length as before.  The Common Five-lined Skink is Ontario's ONLY lizard and they are a species at risk.
Hello!  I love telling people about Canada.  I hope that some day you can visit the "Great White North".  I love camping at Pinery Park!
31% of Canada is forest...
Canada has more lakes than all other countries combined!
20% of the world's fresh water is in Canada.

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