Saturday, August 31, 2024

August 2024 Handwork - Finished

New-this-month projects:

Indigo Hexie Flower Quilt
23 appliqued onto indigo
4 pinned on, ready to applique
10 flowers ready for pinning
42 hexies complete
(total flowers:  37, total hexies: 299)

Ongoing projects:

Cotton Dishcloths
knit 6 fairly good-sized dishcloths in Calfifornia, need to sew in ends.

Grey Hexie Quilt
20 rows (x28) all sewn together = 560
1 row ready to add = 28
36 triples, 19 doubles, 32 single hexies waiting
766 hexies total

Completed Projects:  

None in August, but plenty of headway on hexie projects!

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