Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Elly Griffiths - The End of the Ruth Galloway Series After 15 Installments

 I got really behind with tracking my books in 2023, and I read a lot of Elly Griffiths, so I'm going to combine all the missed ones below:

#13 The Night Hawks
     Finished 6/3/23  (4)
     I almost didn't like Ruth in some of this book!  She took over as the head of the archaeology department and it felt as if she had become a little bit snotty.  Maybe she's always been this way?  LOL.  There is the introduction of a new character, the guy what has been hired to take her old job and the university - xyzcyz Gold.  He is definitely an unknown commodity, Unking and gruff and eager...but seems to change his attitude by the end.  No reasons, in particular, for either of these personality traits. Hmmmmmm.  And why in heck is she so drawn to Nelson?  I just don't get it, his personality is pretty crappy.  Good mystery, though the reason that she and Michelle were brought together near the end was WAY too out there.  I read this on the entire drive to Maine of Brendan's graduation.

#14 The Locked Room
     Finished 6/17/2023 (4.25)
     COVID-19 hits the world.  This book is set between February and May of 2020 and consists of multiple murders that are set up to look like suicides at the beginning of the pandemic.  I don't this there were quite as many characters as usual, which made it a little easier to follow.  It was a good one, although it had very little about archaeological forensics, which was really quite ok.  During the whole time, Nelson's wife, Michelle, was out of town, staying with her mother in Blackpool, so there were a number of first time types of visits between Nelson and Ruth.  I still don't get what she sees in this guy.  He must be quite a looker!

#15  The Last Remains
     Finished 8/7/2023 (4.5)
     Listened to this one back and forth OTR to Maine.  A good one, and it appears to neatly tie up the relationship between Nelson and Ruth.  I really hate to see this series end.  One of my favorites.

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