Friday, May 13, 2016

Postcards Received Friday, May 13, 2016

321.  Victory Day in Russia
Hello Chris!  Greetings from Russia.  Happy Victory Day!  (Victory Day is the national Russian holiday on 9th May)  I wish you all the best and hope you like this card.  Have a nice day and enjoy every moment!  Nastya

322.  Belgian - French Border
Hello, this is old card of the frontier between FRANCE (Halleun) and BELGIUM (Menen).  I live in Belgium but post this card in France (cheaper).  I have to pass this place.  You could recognize it a little bit.  Lucovic Dedeuk

323.  Princeton, NJ
Hello Chris, my name is Gabriela.,  I live in a little town near Princeton, NJ, but only one hour away from New York City.  I love the countryside and once a year I visit the Big Apple.  The best of Two worlds.  New Jersey is a beautiful state, especially in spring and fall.  Best Wishes!

324.  Chamois in Germany
Hi boys and girls,  In the sout of Germany in the gib mountains there are many of these typical animals called chamois.  Do you have them in the United States, too?  Wishing you all the best, Martina

325.  Erlangen, Germany's Public Library
Hello.  My name is Claudia and I live in Erlangen with 105,000 inhabitants and 39,000 students. In front you see part of out "new town" built in the 17th century in baroque style.  The building is today our public library.  The first owner of the building never lived there, later it was used as a bank, police station....  Greetings, Claudia

326.  Odessa, Texas
Hello!  My name is Anita and I live in Odessa, Texas.  Our main industry here is oil.  We have a large rodeo in January and even larger hight school football games in the fall.  Our city mascot is the jackrabbit.  We have several statues around town.  Anita

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