Wonderful movie - even if you don't have a clue about RUGBY
Released 12-11-09
PG-13 (I have no idea why)
2 hrs. 12 minutes
Wed. 3-24-10 at Crossroads, just me
RT: 76 cag: 86
Director: Clint Eastwood
Morgan Freeman, Matt Damon
What a totally engrossing, historically important movie. I have always admired Nelson Mandela, and this movie puts the viewer into his back pocket. After 27 years in prison he is released and becomes the president of South Africa, ending apartheid, at a time when there is extreme hate and distrust between blacks and whites. This movie gives some insight into his thinking, his forgiveness, his magnificent mind. The only thing it does not tell us much about is the relationship (or non-relationship) with his family. Morgan Freeman BECAME Mandela. Both men are wonderful and amazing.
Even though there is a great deal of rugby action, you don't have to understand rugby to understand what is going on. And, to tell the truth, I now have an idea about the game! It's similar to football, but the player's only protection seems to be tooth guards. Amazing in this day of helmets and shoulder/shin guards and safety, safety, safety.
Matt Damon plays the captain of South Africa's rugby team, whom Mandela enlists to help in his quest to unify the country. Hair dyed blonde, South African accent in tow, he nailed this part. You watch him slowly come to understand and admire Mandela. And you watch the country slowly start to come together a bit, whether it be the black and white presidential body guards or a young black boy sidling up closer and closer to a cop car with its radio tuned to the final world cup game, just outside the rugby stadium where it's being played.
Bravo, Clint Eastwood....this movie was beautifully put together. My only problem was a personal one - I couldn't understand some of the rich South African accents, which was really frustrating in a couple of places. I wanted to rewind, which was impossible, of course.
Wonderful movie.
And, hey...this is my 600th post. Pretty cool....
2 hours ago
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