Robin Corey Books, 2010
40 pages
Rating: A RIOT! 4.5
Endpapers: Blue & white head drawings of people congratulating (etc.) Lulu
There's actually a "blog tour" of this book that you can take. Two Writing Teachers tells about it and has links to all the blog.
First we meet Lulu and her thumb. The next 15-or-so pages are Lulu's "Thumb Sucker's Story." This is followed by her 12-Step Programs to break the habit of thumb sucking. NOT easy. I sucked my thumb until I was ten or eleven, my sister much later. So I could really relate. I was disappointed that the trick that finally cured me wasn't included. I used to fall asleep laying on my hands on my stomach. (Or should I say laying on my stomach on my hands?) It worked. However, that way of falling asleep became such a habit that I still find myself flopping onto my stomach when I can't fall asleep on my side. My back aches in the morning after sleeping like that now. It didn't when I was a kid. But I digress.....
This is a great fun least it was for me. The thumb talks and has opinions, too. Some of the illustrations remind me of Dr. Seuss, fanciful and fun. And for some reason "little Lulu" kept popping into my mind. Again, from when I was a kid? I'll have to look that up. Many different fonts are used, as well as speaking clouds above the character's heads to show their speech.
Such ups and down come with breaking a bad habit! Poor Lulu. But she did it! Highly recommended.
2 hours ago
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