Saturday, October 9, 2010

How Rocket Learned to Read - Tad Hills

Schwartz & Wade Books, 2010
Ages 3-7
Rating: 4
Endpapers: Pale blue with sleeping Rocket (front) and pale green (back)

The title page is cute - Rocket's sitting in a field, holding a copy of the book (THIS book) in his mouth.

Even though Rocket loves to play, run, and nap, a little yellow bird coerces him to learn the alphabet and enjoy listening to stories. When his "teacher" heads south for the winter, Rocket practices spelling and sounding out simple words. So when the little yellow bird returns in the spring, Rocket is primed and ready to learn to read.

This is an adorable story with lovely illustrations - some cover the complete page, some are in large oval shapes on the white page. Lots of green. A happy book.

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