Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Some Things are Scary - Florence Parry Heide

(No Matter How Old You Are)
illustrated by Jules Feiffer
Published 2000, revised 2003
32 pages
Rating: 4
Endpapers: Silvery purple

26 scary situations, each illustrated humorously.
26 scary situations that I could relate to as well---
A few:
....getting hugged by someone you don't like
....holding onto someone's heand that isn't your mother's when you thought it was
....brushing your teeth with something you thought was toothpaste but isn't
....playing hide and seek when you're IT and can't find anyone
....reaching under your bed for shoes and grabbing something - you don't know what -
....having people looking at you and laughing and you don't know why

I bet you can think of many more yourself, right this instant! I can. And so could kids. What a great extension - make a class book! Or....Some things are funny.....or...Some things are puzzling.....on and on adn on......ideas are limitless.

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