Illustrated by Ann Grifalconi
Rating: 3.5
Julio lives in a village of woodcarvers, but his own family are farmers. His friend Iluminado lives in the hills and has taught Julio to carve and paint. He has also taught him how to find the perfect wood for carving from the copal tree.
Iluminato has never entered the annual carving contest, and although his carving is slower and his eyesight failing, his carvings are still superior. So, this very first time that he enters, he wins. Julio helps with the painting and starts his own menagerie of carvings to enter nest year.
The artwork is collaged and painted with cut out people and objects on a paintd background. Some look photo quality, perhaps altered? Interesting. Subtle.
Arthur Dorris has a website which includes more information behind the story.
1 hour ago
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