Sunday, March 29, 2009

Naked Mole Rat Gets Dressed - Mo Willems

For: Kids
Published 2009
Rating: 2
Endpapers: Sign saying: No Shirt/No shoes/Service (on front) Why not? (on back)

I'm not exactly sure what my reaction is to this book. Okay, Mole rats are suppoed to be naked and Wilbur likes to be dressed. He's very cute trying to decide which outfit to ear. True, he marches to his own drummer. This is always good. When asked WHY he likes to be dressed he ask, "Why not?"

Why not, indeed. Grand-pah calls a meeting and arrives dressed, so some mole rats decide to try it too, and some don't.

Okay....another book to share with my Animal Farm-ers?

Cutish illustrations, but this seems like a lame book. It's probably just me - I was never gah-gah over Knuffle Bunny, either.

Next time I read it I may love it, but today I don't.

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