read on my Kindle
2015 Chronicle Books
304 pgs. (written in verse)
Middle Grades
Finished 2/10/17
Goodreads rating: 4.26 (1577 ratings)
My rating: 5
Setting: Contemporary USA (at one point it mentions Texas)
My comments: The beginning of the story (below) sets it up particularly well, but doesn't tell of the dire straits that Timothy, his mom, and his baby brother are in. Not only is Levi on super expensive medicine, he must be accompanied every minute because his breathing can be compromised without notice. That means help. And the help they end up getting causes more bad than good. There is so much love in this book. Lots of other wonderful stuff, but lots of love. Written in verse, as a diary/journal.
Goodreads synopsis:
Stealing is bad.
I know.
But my brother Levi is always so sick, and his medicine is always so expensive.
I didn’t think anyone would notice,
if I took that credit card,
if, in one stolen second,
I bought Levi’s medicine.
But someone did notice.
Now I have to prove I’m not a delinquent, I’m not a total bonehead.
That one quick second turned into
a judge
a year of house arrest,
a year of this court-ordered journal,
a year to avoid messing up
and being sent back to juvie
so fast my head will spin.
It’s only 1 year.
Only 52 weeks.
Only 365 days.
Only 8,760 hours.
Only 525,600 minutes.
What could go wrong?
4 days ago
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