Funny and thought-provoking and sometimes even sad....
Released 7-29-11
PG-13 (1:57)
Sunday 8-7-11 at El Con alone
RT: 75% cag: 86%
Director: John Requa & Glenn Ficarra
Steve Carell, Ryan Gosling, Julianne Moore, Emma Stone, Marissa Tomei, Kevin Bacon
I saw this last night and found myself waking up during the night thinking about it - that doesn't often happen. I really enjoyed the movie and would have rated it higher, but it contained one of my very biggest pet peeves when it comes to movies. Usually coming at or near the end (it did) the protagonist stops a large gathering (he did) and makes an announcement or speech (yup) that would never, ever happen in "real life." It helped the movie cruise into an excellent adieu, they'd set it up by showcasing some of the 13-year-old son's antics, but still had me rolling my eyes.
Cal Weaver (Carrell), a happily married 40-something, is told by his wife that she's slept with a co-worker and wants a divorce. He moves into an apartment and spends his evenings drinking and sulking in a high-end bar where he is observed by swathe man-about-town Jacob (Ryan Gossling), who takes him under his wing and gives him a complete (and much needed) makeover. Voila!
Marissa Tomei steals the show in the two and a half scenes that she's in. What a terrific actress!
Of course all comes out right in the end and there's a wonderful twist that has been kept secret in the trailers and reviews of the movie (YAY!!!) Ryan Gossling is super hunky (Steve Carrell's not so bad, himself!) and Emma Stone is usual...she's become one of my very favorite actresses. Lots and lots of cool male attire to drool over. Fun....but sad, too.....
2 hours ago
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