Wednesday, January 26, 2011

MOVIE - Country Strong

Loved the music
Released 1-7-2011 (wide)
PG-13 (1:52)
Wed. 1-12-11 at Park Place with Terri
RT: 17% cag: 73%
Director: Shana Feste
Wyneth Paltrow, Tim McGraw

This is the story of a sad, country music legend who can no longer deal with her life without substance abuse. She's been in and out of rehab, but her estranged manager husband gets a comeback gig for her and she leaves too early. She seems smart and sassy, but she's riddled with demons. She's having an affair with a much younger guy.

As this is going on a hungry-for-the-fame, much younger, singer has been asked - by the husband - to open the big show. The story follows the relationship of the younger guy and the wanna-be singer as well.

The movie entertained me and pissed me off, too. The slap-in-the-face ending proved how messed up Paltrow's character was, but was disappointing nonetheless.

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