A very watchable film
Released 6-29-12
R (1:50)
Critics: 79% Critics 63%
cag: It was good
Director: Steven Soderbergh
Warner Brothers
Perfect thing to do on a Friday after \the first full week of school, including the bucket of popcorn and huge diet Coke. Interesting movie. I consider that it had two protagonists, though, Mike and Adam. I love the way you watch Mike go through all his major life deliberations, but it mad me sad that Adam was left making really crappy decisions and I ended the movie feeling worried about how his future looked pretty dim....even while happy that Mike had finally figured out what's in store for him in life.
I was pretty impressed with the dancing and the comfort with their bodies that all the actors had....Channing Tatum (very buff), Alex Pettyfer (super cute), Matthew McConaughey (oh my, he's getting old....), Matt Bomer (so adorable), and Adam Rodriguez (who used to be on CSI Miami).....verrrrrry impressive!
4 days ago
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